Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good news on the vocations front!

Amid much of the negative news about religious and priestly vocations in Ireland during the past few weeks, it is great to recount some good news stories on the vocations front as well. Irish Dominican Vocations would like to congratulate our brother Franciscans and Capuchins on their reception of new postulants and novices and also to send best wishes to the Presentation brothers on the occasion of professions recently.

Our Franciscan brothers have three men beginning their postulancy year in Killarney Co. Kerry. They are Denis Ahearne, Ronan Sharpley and Richard Cutting (pictured above with their formation directors).

The Franciscans also have three men beginning their canonical novitiate year in Ennis Co. Clare. They are Adrian McGrath, Vincent Finegan and Dave Connolly (all pictured above).

The Capuchins have two men beginning their postulancy programme in Raheny Co. Dublin. They are Sean Oberc and Antony. They are pictured above with their director of postulants Br Eustace. Irish Dominican Vocations send particularly warm wishes to Sean who has many Dominican connections and friends.

Finally, there was great joy in Killarney, Co Kerry recently as the Presentation brothers received the first professions of Brothers Augustine and Callistus (both from Ghana) who have completed their novitiate. They are pictured above with the congregational leaders of the Presentation brothers Martin Kenneally

If any readers of this blog know of other orders or congreagations are receiving new members at this time, please do let us know so that we can highlight and share the good news. Please pray for all considering vocation to religious life at this time and particularly for those highlighted in this blog post.


  1. The Irish Independent had a story about two Ghanaians being 'ordained' in Kerry the other day. . The mistake was repeated on websites that picked it up. It was an honest but revealing mistake. God bless them both and the other young men featured in this post.

  2. I noticed that alright Sean. Interesting how journalists don't have the language or the background nowadays. Quite revealing as you say.

    Thanks for the comment as always - hope you're well. G
