Lisa Hanna and Francis McCaughan who made lifetime promises as lay Dominicans in Belfast
The lay Dominican movement in Ireland is growing. In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in new membership to this important Dominican vocation. Readers of this blog will be aware that the lay Dominicans are an integral part of the Dominican family worldwide. The 'family' also includes the apostolic sisters, friars and contemplative nuns.
In the past year a new 'chapter' of lay Dominicans was formed in Belfast - under the patronage of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. The new chapter is based at the Catholic chaplaincy at Queens University, Belfast. The founding members Lisa Hanna and Francis McCaughan yesterday made their 'life' promises as lay Dominicans during the celebration of the Eucharist at the chaplaincy. The Frassati chapter have as its apostolate (or mission) preaching through the reflective reading of church documents and Dominican texts. They meet regularly and pray the Divine Office in the chaplaincy during the week. The chapter has also embarked on a series of ambitious projects during the Year of Faith. Continuing with the good news theme, the chapter will soon increase in size substantially as there are three people currently undergoing a formation programme as part of their initiation into the life of this new chapter.

Michael Joyce, Fr Louis Hughes OP (prior, Black Abbey, Kilkenny) and Damian McDonnell after Michael and Damian had made their lifelong promises on the feast of Saint Martin de Porres (November 3rd)
The lay Dominican chapter attached the the Dominican priory in Kilkenny (the 'Black Abbey') recently received the lifelong promises of two of its members - Michael Joyce and Damian McDonnell. This vibrant chapter continues to experience growth and is responsible for many of the pastoral initiatives of the friars in Kilkenny.
Paul McLoughlin pictured with Fr Ben Hegarty OP (prior of Saint Dominic's, Ennismore, Cork) after making his lifelong promise as a lay Dominican on October 3rd last.
Finally, Paul McLoughlin from Dungarvan in Co Waterford also made his lifelong promise as a lay Dominican during the celebration of the Eucharist in Saint Dominic's Retreat Centre, Montenotte, Cork.
Irish Dominican Vocations wishes God's blessing on all who have made commitments to the Order as lay Dominicans in the recent past. Their incorporation into the Dominican Order is a powerful witness of the call of God to the hearts of men and women who seek to give their lives in the service of others.