A recent visit to our nuns in Siena monastery, Drogheda, Co. Louth a couple of days ago brought me in contact with a new book entitled 'Vocations in Black and White'. It is an excellent exposition of the stories of vocations of twenty three contemplative Dominican nuns. These cloistered women tell with great humour, wit and deep faith their call to be members of Dominican contemplative communities in the United States.
Rarely have I come across such an inspiring book on the Dominican vocation. And it leads me to a long held belief about vocations and their promotion - namely that the stories of the friars, nuns, sisters and other members of the Dominican family - if they were to be told in a public way would have a profound impact on young people wishing to know more about being 'called' by the Lord and what it means to be a Dominican preacher. Anyway, this book has given me a few more ideas to work on!!
I have some copies of this book. If you would like one, let me know and I'll do my best to get one to you. Incidentally, the book is published by IUniverse.
1 comment:
Thank you for your support of "Vocation in Black and White."
Our Sister Mary Rose was this one of conceived of the project and did all the editorial work.
Why don't you visit us at nunslufkin.op.org??? You can see her picture on the COMMUNITY page where everyone is pictured.
In St. Dominic,
Sr. Mary Jeremiah, OP
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