There are a few limited spaces available for the next Dominican Year of Vocation event which will be held in Saint Saviour's Priory, Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1 on Saturday, March 14th next from 10 am to 4 pm.
The day is designed to give men and women discerning a vocation to the Dominican way of life an opportunity to learn more about discernment and to hear more about the vocation of the various branches of the Dominicans - nuns, friars, sisters and lay Dominicans.
The day begins with morning prayer of the church, followed by an input on discernment by Dr Andrew O' Connell. After this a Dominican sister, friar, nun and a lay Dominican will give some contributions on the nature of discernment in their form of life along with a presentation on their life and work. There will be opportunities for discussion and reflection. Lunch will be provided by the community. The day will conclude with the celebration of the Eucharist.
If you are interested in attending, please email me at frgd@eircom.net or Sr. Breda OP at siena3@eircom.net before March 6th. To look at the Saint Saviour's community website, please click here.
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