In Ireland, it is an accepted fact that vocations and entrants to female monastic/contemplative orders far outnumber new entrants to apostolic female religious congregations. This is a telling fact from which you can draw many conclusions. One obvious such conclusion is that young women who are discerning a vocation want to join an order or congregation that has a strong identity and a clear mission. Identity and mission are more readily and easily found in the monastic and contemplative tradition than with apostolic congregations. There aren't that many contmplative female orders in ireland - while there are a plethora of congregations of apostolic religious sisters. The serious decline in vocations to female apostolic religious congregations is alarming. Perhaps they could learn something from their contemplative and monastic counterparts?
Brought to my attention recently were three upgraded websites of contemplative female communities in various parts of Ireland. Thankfully, I have a connection with all three and would ask you to take a look and let them know that you visited! Firstly, the Poor Clare community in Nuns Island, Galway have given a makeover to their website http://www.poorclares.ie/. Secondly, the Redemptoristine community in Drumcondra in Dublin have a new website at http://www.rednuns.com/ and finally our own Dominican nuns at Siena Convent in Drogheda have made some changes to their website http://www.dominicannuns.ie/
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