Regular readers might like to know of an upcoming event organised by the promoters of vocation for the Dominican family in Ireland, The friars, sisters, nuns and the Dominican laity in Ireland are hosting an open day for those who are interested in knowing about our way of life as nuns, laity, friars and sisters. It will take place in Saint Dominic's Retreat Centre, Ennismore, Montenotte, Cork (pictured above) on Saturday, October 17th, 2009. The event will begin at 9.30 am and conclude at 5.00 pm.
It will be an opportunity for men and women who are interested in the Domincan way to meet with and socialise with the friars, nuns, laity and sisters and to know more about how we live our lives as Dominicans. As always with these events, prayer and the celebration of the eucharist will be the high points of the day.
This blog entry is to give some advance notice of the event. Details of speakers and contributors are currently being finalised and you will be kept informed on the various websites and blogs of the Dominicans in Ireland in the coming weeks. Experience shows that these are popular days and early booking is advised. To secure a place or for more information you can email me at frgd@eircom.net or Sr Breda at Siena Monastery in Drogheda at siena3@eircom.net
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