September 15th, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, is the traditional date when the friars of the Irish Province make profession. In keeping with that tradition, today the Irish Dominican friars celebrated the first profession of our brothers John Leigh and Joseph Brady. Family members and a large gathering of Dominicans made the celebration a memorable event. Brothers John and Joseph have just completed their novitiate year at our Limerick community and as newly professed brothers now move to the studentate of the Irish Dominican Province at Saint Saviour's, Dublin to begin their formal studies.
Brother John is from County Laois while Brother Joseph is from County Wicklow. The profession of these two brothers completes a remarkable three days for the Irish Dominicans. Prayerful good wishes to all our brothers.

Brother Joseph Brady makes profession in the hands of the Prior Provincial

Brother John Leigh makes profession in the hands of the Prior Provincial
Congrats John, and all the best for now and the future. Brendan Mc
Congrats John, May the Lord contuine to Bless and Protect you always. Brendan
Congratulations to all the novices who got through there noviate year and im sure will all have there own skills to bring to the table as well as understanding the teachings of christ it's as equally important to understand people and what makes them tick the world is the same however it's the society has changed but with a wink a nod and a smile can make all the difference in a person's life prayer above all is important but never forget brother dominican who saw peoples misery's and help them or francis of assisi who left a legacy like br dominick when he set up the orders after all i hope every novice remembers his first day when he entered his vocation that way in time he will never looke back only forward and can build on life experiences outside of the studys as some times these qualitys more now than ever are needed when dealing with people as you never know what any one is going through in life and thats wher you come in doing what christ laid down here on earth best of luck lads and im joe public who's learning every day might be something in that though
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