There is great devotion to Saint Martin de Porres in Ireland and many of our communities hold novenas and other days of prayer in honour of the Peruvian Dominican brother around this time of the year (his feastday is November 3rd). His life is an inspiration to many and part of the reason for the devotion to Saint Martin is because of the many human qualities that he used for the benefit of others and in the service of God. He is no ordinary saint and his life story challenges many to think about their attitude to violence, racism, justice, care of the sick and obedience - among other things.
On a personal note, I have great devotion to Martin de Porres. One of the reasons I came in contact with the Dominican Order was through the Saint Martin Magazine which is a monthly publication promoting devotion to the great saint. Twenty two years ago I replied to a vocations advertisement in that magazine - not knowing then that I would be a Dominican friar following in the footsteps of Saint Martin.
I have been priveliged to ask to preach the Saint Martin novena in our church at Saint Saviour's, Dominick Street, Dublin this year and also to preach at the triduum to Saint Martin in our priory church of Saint Eustace, Newbridge College in Co Kildare (November 2nd to 4th).
To see the list of devotional novenas and days of prayer in honour of Saint Martin in our Dominican churches throughout Ireland this year, please visit the Saint Martin Apostolate website here.
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