Please excuse the lack of blogging over the past few weeks. Anyone familiar with the happenings in the Irish church will appreciate how difficult it has been for people, for the church itself, for victims of abuse, for those in priesthood and religious life. There is a palpabe air of anger, hurt and disbelief shared by all concerned.
It is fair to say that Irish Catholics have endured dreadful humiliation in recent years as revelation upon revelation of sinfulness and wrong done by those entrusted by the Church has been exposed for all to see. There is an awful sense of betrayal too by those who have held leadership positions in the Church (and state).
While the church in Ireland is humiliated and has lost the confidence of many, the ongoing mission of bringing God to a broken world is needed as never before. The Good News of Jesus Christ needs to be preached 'in season and out of season'. As a priest, religious and Dominican, I share the shame and hurt that has been expressed by so many in the past number of weeks. As the director of vocations for the Irish Dominicans, I am acutely aware too of those who are considering the Dominican way of life at this time and their need for support and prayer. They, along with all the many others, need hope in this difficult time.
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Thank you for this post.
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