No! Not the Irish province of Dominican friars (although we have the largest number of friars in training for many years) but the Dominican Province of Saint Joseph in the USA. The photo above and the extract in italics below is from the vocations blog of that province. The best wishes of Irish Dominican Vocations goes to them.
In humility and gratitude, we are happy to report that the Province of St. Joseph is continuing to attract vocations. As you can see from the picture above---taken last week when the novices from Cincinnati were visiting with the student brothers in Washington---there are currently 40 young Friars at various stages of religious and priestly formation. The House of Studies and the Novitiate are bursting at the seams! And next year's novitiate class is already shaping up to be the largest in decades!
The above photo reveals not only the blessing of numbers---for which we are thankful---but also the joy and enthusiasm the young Friars easily show for the life they have embraced. Of course, these blessings do not come to the Province without your prayers and generous assistance. Thank you for your prayerful support of all of the brothers in formation, and please continue to pray for vocations to the Province and to the Order.
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