There are a small number of places available for our annual Dominican Family Vocations Day which will be held in Saint Saviour's Dominican Priory, Dorset Street, Dublin 1 on Saturday, March 20th. The event begins at 9.30 am and concludes at approximately 5.30 pm
Bookings have been brisk and there has been a great deal of interest from men and women who would like to know more about the life of a Domincan friar, contemplative nun, sister and lay Dominican.
The purpose of the Vocations Day is to introduce those interested into the lives of the four branches of the Dominican family in Ireland and to get an opportunity to meet with the Dominican friars, nuns, sisters and lay Dominicans - who will give an insight and some presentations on their life, work and ministry.
As part of the reflections for the day we are very pleased once again to welcome back Dr. Andrew O' Connell (Communications Director for the Presentation Brothers in Ireland, journalist and commentator) who will give an input on the day. We are also very pleased to welcome Joseph Merrick (Communications Director for the St Joseph's Young Priests Society) who will also give a presentation.
As spaces are now very limited for this event, please indicate as soon as possible your interest in this event by contacting me at my email address frgd@eircom.net
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