Yesterday, Saturday March 20th, the vocations promoters of the four branches of the Dominican family in Ireland (friars, contemplative nuns, sisters and lay Dominicans) hosted a day for men and women who are interested in the Domincan way of life. We were delighted to welcome 20 participants (10 men and 10 women) to Saint Saviour's Dominican Priory, Dorset Street in Dublin. The reflection and feedback on the day was very positive and we were delighted with the large number who were interested.
It is an opportune time to say some words of thanks to so many who made the event a succesful one. Firstly, our sincere thanks to the Prior and community of Saint Saviour's, Dublin for the use of the priory facilites and church and for the warmth of their hospitality. Secondly, to our invited guest speakers Dr. Andrew O' Connell (Communications Director - Presentation Brothers) and Joseph Merrick (Communications Director - St. Joseph's Young Priest Society). Thirdly to our Dominican contributors: Jacinta O' Donnell (Lay Dominicans), Sr. Niamh OP (Dominican nuns, Drogheda), fr Colm Mannion OP (friars) and Sr. Geraldine O' Mahony (Dominican Sisters, Cabra) and finally to Sr. Liz Healy OP who facilitated the day on our behalf.
It is very encouraging to see the increase in interest in things Dominican in Ireland over the past while. This 'family vocations day' goes in some way towards addressing some of that interest. This has been the second such event in the last two years and it now looks like becoming an annual event. Thanks once again to all who helped.
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