Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Ears to Hear' - Irish Dominican Students

'Ears to Hear' is a series of reflections prepared by the student brothers of the Irish Dominican province. The series will have two online broadcasts per week, each consisting of a short reading from a spiritual classic , itself preceded by a brief introduction.

'Ears to Hear' begins with the season of Advent and is the result of the desire of our Dominican student brothers to make some spiritual classics of the Christian tradition accessible to those willing to listen over the internet. The first four weeks of 'Ears to Hear' will contain excerpts from the Church's cycle of formal prayer - from the writings of the saints and other Christian writers rather than from the Bible.

In launching 'Ears to Hear' the student brothers explained that the series would contain writings from a great variety of spiritual greats, from the Rhineland mystics to Saint Augustine of Hippo, from Saint Gregory Nazianzen to the many anonymous poets and preachers who have witnessed to the Truth.

To learn more about 'Ears to Hear', please visit the website of the Irish Dominican students here.

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