Now that 2008 is coming to a close, it is an opportune time to take a look back at the events of the year. Rather than single out every event for mention, I would like to mention some highlights. No 'lowlights' will be mentioned in this post!
Since January 2008 there have been over 60 new enquiries about the vocation of the Irish Dominicans.
Since January 2008, 27 men have shared something of our life by experiencing 'live-in' weekends in our various priories in Ireland.
Since the beginning of the Year of Vocation (April 13th 2008 to May 3rd 2009) the Irish Dominican friars have hosted two major events. The first, a prayer event on Vocations Sunday to launch the special year and the second, a Dominican family event, reflecting on the Dominican vocation, on November 15th, the feast of Saint Albert the Great. (more events are planned before the end of the Year of Vocation).
September 2008 saw new novices begin their novitiate year in Limerick, while six of our student brothers made profession (both temporary and perpetual) during the days of our Provincial Chapter.
More and more groups and individuals in the various locations in which the Irish Dominican friars have a foundation are praying on a regular basis for Dominican vocations.
I could add many more highlights to the list above but then it would be too long. It was a good year for Irish Dominican Vocations and we have much to be thankful for. It only remains for me to say a very big 'thank you' to all those who in any way assisted in the promotion of the vocation to the Irish Dominican friars over this past year. I am very grateful indeed.
1 comment:
Congratulations on your work and on your website. I believe there is a real connection between the various groups praying regularly for vocations to the Dominican friars and the fact that you had six profession adn six entering the novitiate in 2008.
When I was a youngster in Dublin my Dad used to take me occasionally to Dominic St church and I can say that the friars' white habits stirred within me the first conscious desire to be a priest. I ended up as a Columban, here in the Philippines.
God bless you all.
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