As part of their contribution to the events marking the Year of Vocation, the association of vocations directors for male and female religious in Ireland, Vocations Ireland, are hosting a major conference in February 2009. Taking place on the weekend of 13 to 15 February, the theme to be explored is 'Disturbed by the Spirit - Called to be Sent. Religious Life, Discipleship and a Vocations Culture.' It will be held at the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.
The main contributor to the conference is Anthony J Gittins CSSp. He is currently professor of Mission and Culture at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, USA. Also speaking at the weekend is John Waters, the well known Irish journalist and columnist.
I wish the organisers well in this ambitious endeavour. It is indeed one of the few serious attempts by the church authorities in Ireland to mark the Year of Vocation in any meaningful way.
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