On Saturday last (March 14th) we had a very successful Dominican vocation event as part of the Year of Vocation. There were fourteen participants - men and women who are discerning their call to the Dominican way of life. It was both heartening and reassuring to see so many attend such a day. Coupled with that is the fact that we could have accepted more people but we were restricted by space. It is something that the vocations promoters of the Dominican family in Ireland will be hosting again in the not too distant future.
There are many people to thank for making the day so successful - particularly the Dominican speakers who told of their own discernment and the impact that it had on their decision to join the various branches of the Dominicans. A special word of thanks to Dr Andrew O' Connell who gave a very insightful and hope-filled presentation on discernment in the Ireland of today. His contribution was very much appreciated by all. The final thanks goes to the Dominican community at Saint Saviours, Dublin for their kind and generous hospitality in hosting this event.
A further reflection by the Dominican nuns who attended the event can be found on their blog here.
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