Recently one of the brethren of the province introduced me to a newly published book entitled Praying with the Dominicans. The author is John Vidmar OP, a friar of the Dominican province of Saint Joseph in the USA. A detail from the introduction sums up the reason for publishing the book:
This book is an attempt to share the wealth of Dominican prayer and reflection over the last eight hundred years. What Saint Dominic envisioned....still has relevance.... for the average Christian seeking to find his or her way to the tremendous richness of Jesus Christ.
It is an excellent book (80 pages) which opens up the tradition of prayer in the Dominican Order. There are eyewitness accounts of how Saint Dominic prayed, the eucharistic texts of Aquinas, the writings of Saint Catherine of Siena, excerpts of chant and poetry. I will certainly be offering it to people who are interested in the Order as a means of opening up the richness of the tradition of Dominican prayer.
The book is published by Paulist Press.
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