As part of the Dominican contribution to the Irish Catholic Church's Year of Vocation, the vocations promoters of the Dominican family in Ireland (nuns, Dominican laity, friars and sisters) will be hosting a day for those men and women who are discerning a call to the Dominican way of life. The theme of the day is: Like to know the Dominicans? It is envisaged that the primary focus of the day will be on the theme of discernment. Prayer and the celebration of the eucharist will be central to the work of the day. Those who are participating or who would like to take part will have an opportunity to meet Dominican friars, nuns, sisters and laity to discover more about our life.
We are very grateful to the friars of the Dominican community of Saint Saviour's, Dominick Street, Dublin 1 who will make the facilities of the priory available to us for the day. The event will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 14th, 2009.
While participants will be invited to take part in this day, there is an invitation to others who would like to know more about the Dominicans in Ireland to join us. In order to indicate your interest, you can email myself at frgd@eircom.net or Sr. Breda OP, Dominican nuns, Drogheda at siena3@eircom.net
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